Sunday, 16 August 2015

Healthy body and mind with Secklow Sounds

A healthy lifestyle is something we all want to promote at Secklow, so each weekend I'll be giving you some wellbeing tips.


Who am I? I'm a new member of the Secklow Sounds team - Audrey, and from October, along with Alex, Dave and Gill I'll be hosting "LIFESTYLE MK" on Saturdays 12noon - 2pm on SECKLOW SOUNDS and I'm really looking forward to getting started.

So first of all...if you have any topics you'd like me to cover on my show, please tweet @secklowsounds or direct to me @draudreyt

Meanwhile, I thought I'd kick off this weekend's wellbeing thoughts with...conversations.

Discovering the "mute" button on WhatsApp was one of the happiest moments of my working life. I proceeded to apply the same switch to facebook messaging and any other social network groups or conversations in which I had deliberately or inadvertently become involved.

Why not "leave" the conversation altogether?

Well, firstly, to me, it's a bit rude. I get it...sometimes you are part of a group but the conversation turns into something you just don't need to be notified about every couple of seconds...but still "leaving" isn't my method of choice.

Why? Because, secondly, social media is, at its very core, a way of keeping up with everything that is going on...and I like it!

Newsfeeds come direct to my phone - I don't even need to go out looking for them...and this is true of gossip as well. Gone are the days when I wouldn't know what was going on behind my back because it was physically conducted in this manner because, now, playing out every drama is too delicious not to at least give one cryptic status update to a collective (if not avid) audience.

As Qualman says - it's not whether to do Social Media, but how well we do it.

These conversations are a way of knowing what is going on - if I've been invited to be a part, I like to be aware, even though I won't necessarily want to join in (nor even have anything worthwhile to contribute). It's a bit like the Office may not be accurate, but it doesn't hurt to hear the rumours!

Information is a gift. The more we have of it, the more we can be certain of our opinions, reactions and attitudes - indeed there may come a point where I will leave a conversation and even block people from ever adding me again, but I can rest happier knowing it was a decision that was based on a deeper thought process than getting a bit irritated...and a decision I am less likely to rescind (how many of your friends do the whole "I'm leaving facebook, Goodbye" - only to be back a week later!?)

The less you speak, the more you hear*...and the more secure you can be in your decisions.

This goes for "normal" conversations as well.

Too often we speak to put our point across, to get our voice heard - and too often this clouds the reality of what is going on. The more we speak the more favourably we perceive the interchange. Why? Because there is nothing sweeter than our own voices.

Let us learn from the internet where "conversation" flows more freely - or rather - where we have more competition to be heard and realise that too much talk is not always a good thing. (Nor is it appreciated by everyone!)

Silence is not only golden, but worth it's weight too.

*The title phrase was given to me by Wayne Austin, a wonderful Business Lecturer, Educational Manager and friend.

Lifestyle:MK starts Saturday October 3rd, 2015, 12 - 2pm on Secklow Sounds, Community Radio for Milton Keynes


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